Thursday, January 2, 2020

Women in Combat Roles in the Military - 851 Words

Physical differences between men and women come up in careers such as the military. The military career requires great responsibility, dedication, and sacrifice. The key to achieving a good performance in this field is to have an excellent physical ability. Women with physical training can exceed men without physical training. In addition, women have to have great value to develop this type of careers. The equality and teamwork are two fundamental reasons too. Over the years, it has been thought that man is the only one able to do this work. However, a woman can be better prepared physically that a man. Therefore, women deserve to be assigned combat roles in the military. A few decades ago the role of women in society was to perform household chores and the care of children. Today there are thousands of women working as military. Physical differences between men and women are remarkable. Hypothetically, the physical capacities of women are lower than of man, because the man is stronger, taller, and has more muscles than women. Women usually are smaller, have less strength and have less body weight. Therefore it is thought that women are weaker than men. However, this is not true; women are physically well trained, and have the physical capacity necessary to develop in this field. It is important to be well trained physically because training increases physical capacity and develops the strength, speed, and endurance. Women with physical training can exceed men withoutShow MoreRelatedEssay on Women Serving in Combat Roles in the Military1825 Words   |  8 Pagespolitical advancements of women during the past one hundred years. Women now have the right to vote and to own property. They let their voices be heard instead of sitting silently in the kitchen. Women hold jobs previously restricted to men - police officer, firefighter, construction worker, doctor, truck driver and scientist. Obviously, this list is not all inclusive. Unfortunately, there is still one area that remains restricted to women. Women have assisted the military forces as far back asRead MoreWhy Women Should Be Allowed to Participate in Combat1236 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Women Should be Allowed to Participate in Combat When warring tribes fought over food or men during our first beginnings, those women were undoubtedly in combat†¦women warriors [later in history] were not considered so unusual†¦Joan of Arc and Bodecia fought as warriors. 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