Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Fast Food and Obsesity Essay

Nowadays, fast food has become a way of life. Both children and adults like to eat fast food. However, fast food is unhealthy. It causes many diseases, like obesity. Obesity is increasing among both children and adult. This essay will describe the relation between fast food and obesity. And it will also focus on research that contributes to the understanding of link between obesity and disease risk during childhood and adolescence. This essay will be divided into three parts. Firstly, I will discuss the origin of fast food and the reasons why people like eating fast food. What is more, the essay will look at the definition of obesity and why obesity has taken place. Finally, it is also important to note that there are many solutions from kinds of aspects to preventing obesity. Fast food originated in America and people like fast food due to several reasons. Fast food is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly. While any meal with low preparation time can be considered to be fast food, also it can be take-away. The term â€Å"fast food† was recognized in a dictionary by Merriam–Webster in 1951. So fast food has a long history. And there are many types of fast food restaurants. For instance, KFC, McDonald’s and so on. Then, there are many reasons why people enjoy eating fast food. Firstly, with its convenient being a leading factor. Sometimes we just need to take something to eat because of busy schedules. I think this is becoming a main reason why people eat fast food regularly. Secondly, fast food is so cheap compared with other restaurants indeed. It is the best choice for those not looking to spend much money. Furthermore, fast food tastes so delicious because usually packed with fats and sugar. So this is why fast food is unhealthy. In addition to, People can get it easily due to fast food restaurants at everywhere. Finally, many people can’t cook. Actually, fast food has many advantages, but there are many disadvantages for our health. Fast food is widely accepted because it is convenient, inexpensive and easy, but quick and simple do not always worth nutritious and healthy. It is referred to as a junk food for a reason; it offers few of the nutrients needed for healthy. Fast food does not just define take-away food, many kinds of microwave meals and some snacks are a part of fast food. Then all of this can increase the rate of obesity. Obesity has taken place due to several reasons and fast food is a major factor. â€Å"The medical term for obesity is extreme overweight conditions. † (Wikipedia) The condition of obesity is very easy to diagnose as the bulge of fat can be seen clearly on the body. And there are many factors to lead obesity. Causes of obesity are multifactor and oversimplified; reasons for increasing trend in obesity are complex and varied. It divided into three parts. Firstly, â€Å"behavioural causes of obesity are linked to an increased consumption of high calorie foods and a decrease in physical activity. Like fast food, it contains many sweet and fatty; and these are the biggest crime when it comes to dangerous calories. Secondly, they are physiological and genetic factors. â€Å"Physiological controls include appetite, hunger, satiation and satiety, each of which has a different regulatory mechanism. These controls involve highly complex interactions between neural and hormonal regulatory systems, which are often influenced by social and environmental factors. † It leads to obesity as physiological factor. Finally, it is the age changing. Most adults gradually increase their weight from early 20s up to their 50s. † Their ability of food intake is decrease with aging. Then obesity will be taken place. Obesity rates are increasing worldwide, among both children and adults. One important contributor to this epidemic is the increasing worldwide consumption of fast food. In particular, the rate of children is obvious. Over the past 20 years the percentages of overweight children aged 6-11 years increased from 5% to 16% in United States. It is risk for children. The government should pay attention to it. Because obesity has been linked to a myriad of other health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes and cancer, and has become an enormous strain on the health care system. Then, this must be make a sensation and should take action. Face this situation that the rate of obesity has increase. We should make some measures to prevent obesity. There are many solutions to preventing obesity. First of all, we need to eat more healthy organic food, not fast food and â€Å"promote sustainable food and farming practices†. Organic food is good for our health. The second place; we should to provide some education. It includes physical, cooking, nutrition and gardening lessons. Next, we should do exercise every day. For instance, running, swimming and take a walk. It makes us keeping fit. What is more, parents should teach their child not eat too much meat or sugar at childhood instead of some fruit or vegetables. And for adults, they should cook at home as soon as possible. In addition to, the advertisement is a key point. The government should forbid too much advertisement about fast food or junk food on TV, instead of some health advertisements. Overall, the essay has proven that here is some relation between fast food and obesity. Fast food has a long history and it has advantages. But the disadvantages are also evident. What is more, there are all kinds of factors that lead to obesity. However, one of the main factors that contribute to obesity is fast food. Fast food is a killer. Studies suggest that fast food significantly increases the risk of obesity. The fast food is unhealthy for our bodies. Furthermore, we should take some solutions to prevent obesity. If you really want to eat, you should do excise for keeping fit. I strongly believe that we should not eat too much fast food if we want to keep healthy.

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