Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Mysterious Banana Essays

The Mysterious Banana Essays The Mysterious Banana Paper The Mysterious Banana Paper Barrie, ON. 9 March 2007 http://web. ebscohost. com. Kehler points of the references made in â€Å"Krapp’s Last Tape† which relate to both â€Å"Othello† and â€Å"Gooseberries†. This article gives insight to the reader as to where Samuel Beckett came up with some of the ideas for writing â€Å"Krapp’s Last Tape†. I did not use this in my research essay. Kriszner, Laurie G. , Stephen R. Mandell, and Candace Fertile. Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing. 2nd ed. Scarborough: Nelson 2007. This is the text that â€Å"Krapp’s Last Tape† came from but also served as a reference to types of theatre. This text covers many kinds of literature such as short stories, drama, and poetry. Chapter 20, Understanding Drama, was particularly helpful as it described all of the genres of drama including the Theatre of the Absurd which was relevant to my essay. Santrock, John W. and John O. Mitterer. Psychology. 2nd ed. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson 2004. Santrock and Mitterer wrote this text as a learning tool for first year psychology students. It contains an overview on all of the fields of psychology. Chapter 1, What is Psychology? , was very helpful in explaining Freudian theory. Chapter 6, States of Consciousness, further explained Freud’s theory of wish fulfillment.

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